East LA Parade Float companies recomendations
Live on ABC7 at 10:00 AM
Vibrant and colorful floats will sail down the streets of East Los Angeles
Sunday, Sep. 15th, 2024, for the annual Mexican Independence Day parade.
(List provided for your convenience only. We do not endorse or recommend one
company over another.)
Manmade Entertainment Productions Inc.
Contact: Michelle@ManmadeEntertainment.net
310-925-4151 O
310-600-0575 M (*text is preferred)
www.ManmadeEntertainment.net - ParadeFloat.co | @ManmadeParade
AES- Artistic Entertainment Services
Contact: Craig Bugajski
120 N. Aspan Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702
Ph: 626.334.9388- Fax: 626.969.8595
www.AEScreative.com I www.aesdecoration.com
Fiesta Parade Floats
Tim Estes- President
16016 Avenida Padilla, Suite B, Irwindale, CA 91702
Ph: 626.610.0974- Fax: 626.610.0978
Email: tim@fiestaparadefloats.com – info@fiestaparadefloats.com
Phoenix Decorating Company
Contact: Chris Lofthouse, Pres. & CEO
835 So. Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91105
Ph: 626.793.3174